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CrushAAL Installation

Crushaal has a plumb easy mounting system which provides fast, economical and 5 easy steps of installation.

Provisions for CrushAAL Installation Kitchen

Sink: Crushaal can be easily installed in any stainless steel kitchen sink having an outlet diameter of 89 mm.

Coupling: Crushaal should be installed with the special crushaal coupling provided for its installation in a kitchen sink having an outlet diameter of 89 mm.

Electrical Point/Switch: 5 ampere electrical point is required beneath the kitchen sink where crushaal is to installed and its operating switch should be Conveniently placed above the kitchen platform for easy access.

No leakages: The under kitchen sink area where Crushaal is installed should always be absolutely dry. Leakages if any should be sealed with suitable sealant. No water should splash on crushaal while cleaning.

No stone: We prefer that there should be no stone below the kitchen sink. In case it is there,the stone has to be cut near the coupling and a gap of 10 inches diameter would have to be left to install Crushaal.

Waste outlet: Water and crushed waste from the disposer could be led to either a nahani trap below the kitchen sink or a wall outlet. Wall outlet should be at a height of not more than 9 inches above floor level.

Once CrushAAL is installed - - -

There is no need to collect & store the wet garbage in the bin separately.
The decay of the garbage is avoided.
Total premises remains free from cockroaches/ mosquitoes/ flies & other insects.
No stink from the utensils/ bins/ plates.
No choking of the drain.
Kitchen remains more hygienic.
Dustbin contains dry/ recyclable waste.

So for push button Hygiene, just install CrushAAL

Self-service release key :

An unusual noise while crushaal is operating may mean a foreign object has fallen in it by mistake/accident. Turn off crushaal immediately and retrieve the object. Self-service release key is provided to clear the jam in the grinding chamber with the twist of your wrist.


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